Our Elected Officials for
Center Street - BID 39
Oftentimes, individuals are looking to connect with their elected officials, whether it is for residential or commercial. The BID works well within 3 Aldermanic Districts. There are businesses in Each Aldermanic District of which is represented by an Alderperson within the Center Street BID.
The elected officials are responsible for their topical areas, including the business contact within their district. If you see a property, or want to connect to an Elected official, please do so. The BID is a vehicle to drive economic development, inclusion, as well as a conduit for the current Commerical property owners, including the businesses that are in the commercial (or mixed usage) property.
The BID has no governance over any business in the district, rather a resource. The BID does not have ticketing authority; however, we work with many city offices such as sanitation, city development, and other offices. The BID does not issue licenses, this is the role of government (city, state, local.....). Each business owner is responsible for their own license and occupancy permits to operate their business. The BID is a resource for our small business owners as well as neighbors looking to utilize our businesses.
We want our businesses to succeed within our commercial corridor and City of Milwaukee. With that being our focus, you will often see the work of the BID all around the city and state. We have a stake in bringing normalcy to Center Street through outreach, and development opportunities.
DiAndre Jackson
District 7 Alderman
City Hall
200 E. Wells Street
Room 205
Milwaukee, WI 53202
District 15 Alderman
City Hall
200 E. Wells Street
Room 205
Milwaukee, WI 53202