Reimagining WIS HWY 175 study
meeting April 30th. Washington Park Senior Center
4420 W. Vliet, Milwaukee
Community Partner
Our BID is a Community Partner for the Wisconsin HWY 175 Project. With our commercial corridor being nestled in Sherman Park, Washington Park, as well as other neighborhoods, it is imperative that the voice of the small businesses is heard and input is received from our proponents. We have been on the ground floor of the project, as it is a collaborative effort with the voices of all at the table. Follow our Executive Director, Dr. Jennifer Potts, as she navigates Urban Planning as well as small business needs, issues, as well as being astute to the future needs of the City of Milwaukee and the Center Street Commercial Corridor. Join us in our efforts and get involved.

Inclusive to all
Wisconsin Department of Transportation Reimagining WIS 175 Study – Milwaukee County (wisconsindot.gov)
The first public involvement meeting was held May 11, 2023, from 4-7pm at the Washington Park Senior Center. At the meeting, the public had the opportunity to learn more about the study while sharing comments on the existing conditions of the area and helping to identify community priorities for improving WIS 175. This meeting was the first of several public involvement meetings.
Goals of the Study
The Reimagining WIS 175 Study will take a comprehensive, holistic approach to evaluate potential, viable alternatives for the future WIS 175 corridor in a way that accommodates vehicles, transit, bicycle and pedestrian connections; connects neighborhoods, and promotes socio-economic vitality.

Community, business, local officials, state agencies, as well as many contributors are hands on with the WisDOT 175 Project. It takes everyone's input to drive the future of Wisconsin to Lisbon with inclusivity for all. Join in and share your voice within the project.