Mission, Vision, & Priorities
The sole Mission of the Business Improvement District #39 is “Cleaning up the Quality of Life”. This mission is encapsulated within our BID Logo and serves as a reminder that having a variety of services is key, however, to have a quality of life; a safe and clean business environment is necessary. Our Vision encompasses not only retaining current businesses and making sure that their needs are met, but also to attract and cultivate new businesses into vacant or dormant commercial properties. Our Priorities are surrounded by the constant realization that small business awareness is key in a busy commercial corridor. Shopping locally and having an awareness of customer needs continually rises to the top as a priority need in order to achieve equity, sustainability, and business longevity.
Total assessed properties within the district
BID 39 is settled within a busy commercial corridor in the heart of Milwaukee’s central city on the Northside – from 29th and Center Street through 60th and Center Street, with several businesses adjacent to Center Street. Currently, the properties located within the BID district exceed 9 million dollars in value. The BID utilizes the assessment funds to focus on current property and business owner viability; of which is shone through via “Shop Center Street” and other outreach opportunities. The BID also has recruited some dynamic businesses into the commercial corridor through the sustained work of each board member. Our Annual Shop Center Street event places a push to market and raise awareness of the benefits of shopping locally. The projected BID assessment for 2025 is approximately $39,000 of which is stable from 2024.